A Life-Altering Experience

Lindsey Ott, Former Intern - Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children
Undergrad: Film and Business,University of Central Florida

Tell us a little about you, your career interests and how you found the Seacrest Studios internship.

My name is Lindsey Ott and I currently study Film and Business at the University of Central Florida. I am originally from Texas and moved to Florida at the beginning of my junior year of high school. All throughout high school, I participated in sports broadcasting, the school news, as well as theater productions. I simply love providing entertainment for people to enjoy! I decided to attend film school because the production management side of filmmaking is something that really interests me and suits my skill set. My goal is to become a producer for movies and television, specifically children's media. A producer gets to guide a project along from start to finish, dabbling in every aspect of production, something I enjoy immensely. To be an executive producer or production coordinator at an animation studio is the dream job I keep chasing and working toward. Most weekends I can be found on a student short film set keeping the production on schedule or hosting a guest speaker for the UCF Film and TV Producers Guild, which I am also the president of.

I found the Seacrest Studios internship through the website Handshake, when my profile matched the Seacrest Studios Internship profile at Orlando Health. Elizabeth Sivco, the Production Manager at Seacrest Studios at the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, reached out to me requesting an interview and encouraged me from the very beginning, which was unlike any other job application I’d applied for up to that point. I remember going in for my interview and leaving with the conviction that I had to get the internship, that I had to be a part of something so obviously impactful.

What was your favorite part about interning at Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children?

My favorite part of my internship at Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children revolves around the people. The relationships you get to form with the patients are the highlight of the entire internship experience. My family has been lucky enough to not have extended periods of stay at a children's hospital and because of this I completely committed myself to the entertainment for the patients. I don’t know what these families are going through, but I do know that they deserve entertainment, a distraction, or a laugh. And if they’re laughing at me - that’s ok! To be able to get to know some of the brave kids and connect with them is the shining star above all others.

The internship was also special because of the coworkers at APH. Those that I worked closely with at Seacrest Studios are so passionate about what they do, and they are so ready to pour their knowledge and experience into you. They truly care about your growth and ensuring that you make the most of the Seacrest Studios Internship.

How do you feel the internship prepared you for a future career in the film industry?

The Seacrest Studios internship prepares you for the film industry at the most foundational level. Developing shows for the kids without many demographics to work with plants you in a unique situation. You must make media that is enjoyable for all and that’s a really purifying task that brings you back to the whole point of the film industry in the first place: to entertain the audience. The Seacrest Studios internship has prepared me to be able to strip back any production to its roots and decide if it is going to work or not based on entertainment value alone. I am forever grateful for that learned skill, because it is essential to make any movie or television show successful.

The Seacrest Studios internship also prepared me for the film industry by giving me direction. I always knew I wanted to make movies, but I didn’t have a specific field within the vast industry as a preference. The internship opens your eyes to what media matters and is impactful, plus children’s entertainment is SO fun!

Anything else you’d like to add about this experience that feels different from other internships you may have completed? 

This internship is distinct from any other due to the trust that flows from the boss-employee relationship. Interns are encouraged and expected to be creative and lead their own shows. It isn’t just busy work; it’s an exploration of what you as a creative individual bring to the table.